
Communication Skills for Organizational Leadership

Leadership encompasses influencing or guiding a team or organization either by an individual or group towards achieving a goal. In leadership, good communication is seen as one of the essential attributes for an effective leader. Exceptionality would be established in an organization when a team finds their leaders’ ability to communicate well as commendable.

Communication in leadership goes beyond just the ability to speak or convey information or ideas. It is a vital skill used to gain trust and inspire positive change. It is the how, when, and where information or idea is passed.

Inadequate communication has been known to make large companies go down. When communication is lacking, it can lead to misinterpretation of information and can hinder progress.

Effective Communication Skills For Leadership

●    Active Listening: By listening, a leader like John de Ruiter shows he cares about his employees’ fears, ideas, and opinions. He pays attention to their needs and avoids any form of distraction or interruptions whilst they are speaking.

●    Open-Mindedness: You have listened to your employee. Now it is time to talk to them without trying to change their beliefs or thoughts. Do not impose your ideas or beliefs on them.

●    Encourage Feedback: Allow feedback from your employees. It gives them a sense of belonging and builds trust because it makes them feel they are heard. Act on their feedback, even if not all.

●    Transparency: This is one thing that is effective in breaking communication barriers. Transparency entails accountability, being open about every goings-on in the organization, talking openly about not only the successes of the organization but also its challenges. Transparency would very much help in easier connections between employees and leaders.

●    Clarity: Be clear with your message and simplify your message for better understanding. Make sure you are clear about what you want to see or what you expect from your employees. This helps to lessen confusion.

●    Empathy: Try to understand your employees’ feelings. They want to be heard and valued. For better communication, employers must treat employees with great empathy.

●    Non-Verbal Communication: Whether or not communication is verbal, it should not be devoid of good body language. Good body language during communication is essential. Leaders like John de Ruiter TV ensure conveying messages with the right body language. It is very important to not talk when angry.

●    Confidence: After all the above stated is carried out, do not forget to maintain confidence. You do not want to be seen in your anxiety or be seen as weak. Even in a negative situation, demonstrate confidence in your words and actions. There is nothing worse as a leader who is not confident.


Carefully choose your words before speaking. You should think carefully about if your words could hurt or not convey the right message. You should know your purpose for communication and say it in ways it would be simple and understandable. Leaders like Oprah Winfrey ensure their team understands the objectives explaining why the conversation or the idea was given and what they expect from them.

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